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Back to School

Welcome Bears!

We are very excited to start the upcoming school year! Please see below for all of your back to school necessities! As always, if you have any questions, please contact our administrative assistant, Mrs. Kane @

On a regular school day, students are expected to wear khaki pants (any color) with any solid color polo. On Mass days, or “dress up” days students are expected to wear tan khaki pants with a white buttoned down shirt, and a navy blue blazer. Boys are required to wear ties. For gym, students may wear any sweatpants or shorts with a T-shirt. You can see photos of our dress code on our web page, under the "family resources tab," or by using the link above. ***Please review the dress-code portion of our handbook for a full description.**

Students may arrive between 7:15am-7:35am. Mr. Gaumont will unlock the doors and will start letting students in at 7:15am. Students may not arrive prior to 7:15am. Students will be considered tardy if they are not in their homeroom by 7:40am when the late bell rings. 


You may drop your student off at the Somerville street entrance. Please make sure your student is ready to exit the car when you arrive at the drop-off. This line needs to move quickly to not block traffic. Please note drop off is a single-file line. You may not pass on the left side of the car in front of you. Please make sure you drive all the way up to the "stop here" sign before letting your student out. 

To report your student absent or tardy, please use the attendance form that can be found on our website under the tab “forms”. In order for the absence or tardy to be excused, this form needs to be filled out each time.

Student dismissal begins at 2:20pm. 

Carline and walkers will be dismissed through the Somerville St. entrance. We ask families to park their cars on Belmont street (both sides) between St. Anthony’s church and Somerville St. We ask that families do not double park as cars still need access to drive by. All students will be walked out of the building and escorted to the corner to locate their ride

Students will have snack time daily before lunch and should bring a healthy snack from home. Each student is expected to bring a water bottle to fill throughout the day. 


Hot lunch is pre-ordered monthly online through the FACTS Family Portal. Orders must be placed during the ordering window, which is announced in the weekly newsletters and on the Facebook parent page.

Homework help is offered daily Monday-Friday free of charge until 3:15pm. Students who stay for homework help will sign in with Mrs. Martineau at dismissal time and remain in her classroom. All students need to be picked up promptly at 3:15. 

Each week, you will receive a newsletter with information regarding upcoming events, classroom activities, and lessons. Keep an eye out for these weekly newsletters. They are a great way to stay active in your student's academic life.

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