Our Athletic Programs
Our Commitment to Performance and Character
St. Joseph's Junior High School offers a wide-range of extra-curricular activities. These activities provide students with opportunities to interact with their peers in competitive and thought-provoking environments that help them grow physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Through participation in these groups, students learn valuable leadership and teamwork skills that will serve them throughout their lifetime. At St. Joseph, students can play soccer, basketball, baseball, run track, cross-country.
Our school’s sports programs boast some impressive championships. But more than that, students learn to be good stewards of God's Word at play. There are many sports teams at St. Joseph, allowing students the opportunity to pursue their interests while in a caring school environment.
Please refer to our handbook, section 9.0 for our policy on athletic participation, our code of conduct and our expectations for each player.​
Cross-country: Mr. O'Brien
Practices will be every day there isn't a meet 2:30 to 4:00. The practices will start and end at St. Joe's. Everyone will ride to meets on a bus. Parents will pick up their athlete at the meet. All runners will be issued a jersey but will have to buy a pair of black shorts.
Soccer: Emily Moreau
There will be a $150 pay to play for each sport to help defray the cost of coaches, busses, equipment, and referees.
Please refer all sports-related questions to Mrs. Martineau at pmartineau@stjoesjrhs.org.