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Easy Form to Report Your Child Absent or Tardy


This is an alternative to emailing or calling the office directly when your child will be absent, tardy, or needs to be dismissed early. Please note that all parents should commit to following our health guidelines regarding absence and return to school. 


A Guide for Student Absences:

If a student is absent for one afternoon, morning, or up to one full day, they can connect with the teacher when they return to get missing work and connect with a "study buddy" from their classes. 


If a student is absent for two or more days, they should do the following:

1) Email their teacher directly to establish a plan for the period of absence, including a possible video meeting if necessary from 2:15-2:45pm. They should make arrangements to pick up their important school books and supplies.

2) Go to each teacher's Google Classroom for updates on assignments.


At some point this year, it is likely your child will need to temporarily quarantine, so having a plan in place will be helpful. Keeping up the study space and connections and dialogue with teachers and other students can make a big difference!




St. Joe's Attendance Communication Form
Will your child be absent, tardy, or dismissed early?

Thanks for submitting!

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