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The Academic Experience at St. Joe's

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A Distinctly Different Educational Experience

How Are We Unique?


St. Joseph Jr. High School is the only junior high school in the state of New Hampshire with a new building and the only Manchester Catholic school focused exclusively on 7th and 8th-grade students' education!


A Holistic Experience


Students are encouraged to explore their interests within a structured curriculum designed to help our students develop in heart, mind, body --- and soul. St. Joseph Jr. High School students build a solid foundation in academic teaching organization, personal responsibility, and study skills. We know parents and families are their first teachers, so we also provide support and resources for parental development, such as videos, articles, weekly newsletters, a principal's blog, and personal conversations with trained teachers and expert administrators.


A Rigorous Experience


At St. Joseph Jr. High School, we define rigor in the following ways:

  • Students are learning intellectually stimulating, relevant content.

  • Students are learning intellectually complex and necessary content and processes.

  • Students are accountable for high-quality work.

  • Students are learning to be flexible, creative thinkers.

  • Students are learning to examine and reflect on over-arching questions. 

  • Students are learning to read, write, think, solve, question, evaluate, analyze and act on behalf of their knowledge.

  • Students are learning to plan, prioritize and organize time, materials, and energy.

  • Students are learning to advocate for themselves and others.


Course disciplines include:


7th grade curriculum:


7th grade English Language Arts

Life Science

Math or Pre-Algebra

World Geography

Story of Jesus

Spanish, French, or Study Skills

Physical Education and Art, or Band, or Chorus



An Individualized Experience










Assessment Techniques

In addition to formative and summative classroom assessments, at St. Joseph's we conduct iReady Diagnostic assessments three times each school year to assure students are growing in measurable ways. Learn more about the iReady Diagnostic​



Our band puts on two concerts per year. â€‹

8th grade curriculum:


8th grade English Language Arts

Earth Science

Math, Pre-Algebra, or Algebra

U.S. History

Church History

Spanish, French, or Study Skills

Physical Education and Art, or Band, or Chorus

The low student-teacher ratio of 18:1, allows teachers to focus on individual students. Teachers work closely with parents to ensure that every child’s needs are addressed in the most appropriate manner.  Homework is posted online, giving both parents and students another tool to ensure academic success at St. Joseph. Teachers offer after school support and enrichment sessions. Teachers and administrative staff hold advanced degrees, over 120 years of combined experience and a passion for their content area.  Beyond education and experience, our faculty and staff are devoted to St. Joseph and to its mission as a Catholic school and warm, inviting community.

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Our students are able to take a break from their academics every day during recess, giving them an opportunity to socialize with students outside of their classes. Students play volleyball, basketball, visit Campus Ministry, and clean out lockers. Recess periods are separated by grade level.  

581 Bridge St. 

Manchester, NH 03104

Morning Drop-off (Regular Schedule): 7:00-7:30am

Morning Drop-off (Mass Day): 7:00-7:45am

Main Office Hours: 7:00-3:00 pm

For general inquiries email

(603) 668-2910

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